⛰️Dungeon Land

Players can own the Dungeon Land NFT to allow other players' heroes to adventure on this land to collect the resource and items. The difficulty of monsters and collectable resources is depend on the rarity of the Land dungeon NFT. Land's owners can upgrade their own “Land” to increase monster strength and drop item rarity. The land's owner has the option of allocating a percentage of the player's resources for adventure fee. Others join the adventure, and the player who joins must pay the Land owner in proportion to the resources gathered each time.

Land Rarity :

  • Lost Land [Common]

  • Savage Land [Uncommon]

  • Cursed Land [Rare]

  • Terrible Land [Epic]

  • Inferno Land [Legendary]

Each land has a different level of difficulty. Hero must venture into the land to fight and gather resources to upgrade spirit tree to increase the hero's stats. Commission will be collected from hero that adventure at Land's owner.

Land Commission

- If hero Retreat, the land's owner will get 1-10 % of hero's collected commission. Depending on fee setting - If hero Died, the land's owner will get 20% of hero's collected reward as commission. Depending on fee setting

Land Power

Recharge by owners

Every Dungeon Land NFT will have the power to restore and maintain energy inside the land. Land's owner have to recharge the power.

To recovery 1 Land Point of Land Power = 0.15 BLG and 0.05 BLS


Upgrading Dungeon Land to gain more difficulty and more rewards.

Last update : 20/07/22

Last updated