🇲🇵RIFT mode

Daily batt to get reward.

In BattleLoop, Daily Rift is the mode that which all heroes can adventure and gain more EXPs and rewards. In this mode, the monsters are the same as in Dungeon Land mode.

Here are 5 stages in this mode :

  • Easy

  • Normal

  • Medium

  • Hard

  • Hell

To Play the RIFT, you will need the minimum required following

  1. A character : Players need at least a character to play the RIFT. Players can purchase a Novice character NFT card at the Shop menu with 100 BLD or purchase at WAX NFT marketplace like AtomicHub etc.

2. A weapon : Players need a hero character equipped a weapon. Novice : can equip all types of weapon Swordman : can equip only Sword type Archer : can equip only Bow type Mage : can equip only Staff type

Equipped armor is an addition to increase DEF power to make the character can stand in the RIFT battle longer. All classes can equip all types of armor.

— Players can let only a hero character enter the RIFT each time. The RIFT mode has only 3 attempts per 24 hrs. / account. and the available attempt will reset passed 24 hrs. after the first entering attempt.

Special event ! For celebrating the Battleloop opening, players can play 6 times per day. Until the Battle mode (Dungeon Land) comes then it will remain to 3 times per day.

After your character entered the RIFT, their equipment will be locked and can not unequip for 24 hrs. need to wait cooldown time out. But can swap with new equipment by clicking “Equip” on new equipment.

Players also received EXP in Daily Rift mode and the player will receive stars to get rewards in each stage.


  • Star 1 means the player killed all monsters.

  • Star 2 means players win which hp more than 50%

  • Star 3 means player to win and attack less than 50 hits

Finish each goal to get the reward of each star. Complete more stars and get more rewards.

Progress the RIFT stage Players need to WIN and achieved at least 1 Star to progress to the next RIFT stage.


Ps. If you found something went wrong or some error message please read the troubleshooting here: https://battleloop.gitbook.io/whitepaper/others/troubleshooting OR open the support ticket on our DISCORD server.

RIFT mode Recommend set

*Testing with Novice lv.1 at starting stat

EASY Stage



HELL Stage

Last update: 14/07/2022

Last updated